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Would you stake your life, right now, on the condition of your equipment?
NEWS | Feb. 1, 2022

CCE: 2021 Year-in-Review

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For seventy years, a major theme of PS Magazine has been to perform preventive maintenance (PM) on a continual basis. That theme persisted throughout 2021.
CCE engineers know their equipment operates throughout the world in some of the most extreme conditions possible, from arctic winters to extreme desert heat. CCE also operates in salt water, mud, sand, snow, ice and destroyed land areas caused by natural disasters such as fires, tornadoes and hurricanes.
That’s why CCE works best when it’s maintained and used—or, at the very least, turned on—weekly. PM unravels when a vehicle is neglected and sits idle for long periods. Batteries run down, hydraulic fluid turns to gunk, seals dry out and rot, electronic circuits and cylinder rods corrode, tires lose air, and condensation forms in the air tanks.
To keep construction equipment mission-ready, do your vehicle’s PMCS, exercise your equipment, and let your vehicle’s engine run for at least 30 minutes a week.
This past year, PS Magazine published a range of CCE-related articles on PM basics. Here are several articles you’ll want to pass along to operators and mechanics in the motor pool.
The CAT 120M and 130G graders need lots of PM to move and grade dirt at the work site. PS Magazine covered both systems:
At the worksite, keep these dozer PM tips in mind before and after the day’s run:
As part of the 2021 year-in-review, we analyzed the most viewed construction fleet articles since the website launched. Here are the top three:
As we begin our eighth decade, PS Magazine will continue to serve the Warfighter in the field. If you have a comment or question, let us know by emailing us at:
Always remember: PM never stops!
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