Notice to Our Readers
PS Magazine is undergoing changes to our staffing. As members of the PS Team depart, they are not currently being backfilled. This means we'll be unable to respond to Reader Inquiries in the areas covered by each departing writer. As of 31 Mar 2024, we are no longer able to respond to any reader questions or submissions.

As an alternative, consider visiting:
Additionally, reach out to the relevant Logistics Assistance Representative supporting your unit.
For TACOM support, use these group email boxes:

Ground Combat Systems (GCS) Readiness & Sustainment (R&S): USARMY Detroit Arsenal TACOM Mailbox ILSC-Actions-GCS-RS1  
Combat Support & Combat Service Support (CS&CSS): USARMY Detroit Arsenal TACOM Mailbox ILSC-Actions-CSCSS-RS  
Soldier, Weapons, Chem Bio (SWCB): USARMY Detroit Arsenal TACOM Mailbox ILSC-SWCB-RS-SAO
For aviation support, check out these two articles:
PS: The Preventive Maintenance Magazine and TB 43-PS-Series are official publications of the Department of the Army, providing information for all Soldiers assigned to combat and combat support units and all Soldiers with unit maintenance and supply duties. All information published has been reviewed and approved by the agency responsible for the equipment, publication or policy discussed. Application of the information is optional with the user, although encouraged. Masculine pronouns may refer to both genders. The use of product or company names does not constitute endorsement of those products, services or companies by the U.S. Army. The use of non-DoD hyperlinks, along with their content, does not constitute endorsement by DoD or DA. Neither DoD nor DA exercises any editorial control over, and cannot vouch for, content on non-DoD websites. PS Magazine is published by the Department of the Army, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898.