Remember to refer to the military packaging info in AR 700-37,
Packaging of Army Materiel (Mar 17). Follow the guidelines for packaging and shipment of Army material and components detailed in AR 700–15,
Packaging of Materiel (Jul 20), and DA PAM 700–32,
Packaging of Army Materiel (Nov 20). Also, be sure to use TM 38-8145-709 (Jan 20), which covers Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS), along with any component TM.
The Army Sustainment Command (ASC) Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center (PSCC) is the Army’s go-to resource for packaging. They provide technical and specialized staff assistance in the fields of packaging, storage, hazardous materials, shelf-life management, automatic identification technology, distribution facilities modernization, international and domestic standardization and packaging application testing. In terms of packaging, they offer links to a Quick Guide on packaging and a section of Frequently Asked Questions
Also, PSCC offers an instructional video series on the COSIS, such as Care of Long Life Reusable Containers (LLRCs), online. You can find links to the videos on PSCC’s website.
Additionally, units must properly complete the DA Form 2410,
Component Removal/Repair/Install/Gain/Loss Record, per DA PAM 738-751 (Feb 14),
Functional User’s Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System– Aviation and update the Army Maintenance Management System-Aviation (TAMMS-A). This allows units to track their material status. If you have questions about the 2410, click
Shipping parts, components and material loose and unprotected inside containers to repair facilities is a recipe for disaster. Your unit will be responsible for all damages and the increased repair costs. So your best bet is to package, preserve and ship material like the regulations say.