TACOM FMX maintenance experts at Fort Leonard Wood, MO, have noticed a specific problem with the fuel/water separator in commercial construction equipment (CCE) as temperatures drop and water freezes. Cold weather causes water in the fuel/water separator to freeze up!
Operators, it’s crucial that you follow the BEFORE OPERATIONS PMCS like it says in the -10 TM. Draining out the water keeps it from freezing in the fuel/water separator. Not draining the water keeps the vehicle’s engine from starting or causes it to run rough.
So, open the fuel/water separator by turning its drain counterclockwise. If the fuel is clear, you’re OK. If the fuel doesn’t run clear after you’ve drained half a pint or so, close the valve and report it to your mechanic.
Drain water from fuel/water separator.
Store drained fuel in an approved hazardous waste container. Never dump the drained contents into a drain or let it run onto the ground from the separator’s drain hose.
You’ll also want to make sure your mechanic replaces the fuel filter at semi-annual service.