BLUF: There’s no RPSTL for MRZR Polaris utility vehicles because the Army doesn’t maintain them.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Terry Riffe
Dear Half-Mast,
I’m a maintenance technician in a unit that supports Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) rotational equipment. We received ten (10) MRZR Polaris utility vehicles and they came with some manuals. My question is, can we get a Repair Parts & Special Tools List (RPSTL) for the vehicles, or will we have to local purchase parts and equipment?
Mr. T.R.
Dear Sir,
Unfortunately, the MRZR Polaris is not an Army program of record. It’s a commercial item purchased with unit funds. Therefore, the Army doesn’t maintain this vehicle and there’s no RPSTL. That means you’ll have to locally purchase equipment and parts.
Also, the MRZR Polaris falls into the same category as Segway HT, M-Gators, Mules, aircraft tugs and other low-speed vehicles like golf carts. According to AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program (Jul 23), units are required to have an SOP to cover their safe operation. You’ll need the SOP whether the vehicle is used in garrison or a tactical environment.
The SOP needs to cover safe operation, preventative maintenance procedures, training, education, and familiarization. It should include guidance per AR 750-1, Army Material Maintenance Policy (Feb 23), DA PAM 750-1, Army Material Maintenance Procedures (Feb 23) and AR 25-30, Army Publishing Program (Jun 21).