BLUF: Inspect M299 Hellfire missile launchers for correct routing of the launcher
rail microswitch harness like it says in aviation maintenance action message (AMAM)
Photo by Dorie Heyer
Mechanics, recent Army testing and modification of the Apache M299 Hellfire missile launchers identified incorrect routing of launcher rail microswitch harnesses. Some of these misrouted harnesses were severed or damaged by contact and/or pinching between the rail latch cam and a set screw on the bottom of the rail.
Aviation maintenance action message (AMAM) H-64-23-AMAM-11 (with two addendums) requires a one-time inspection of all Apache M299 launcher rails for correct routing or non-damage of microswitch harnesses. For incorrect harness routing, the AMAM provides procedures to correctly route and/or replace the launcher rail microswitch harnesses. Also, make sure to follow all reporting and documentation requirements.
Route microswitch harness the right way
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