BLUF: There are minimum Bradley PMCS checks that should be done after every mission.
When the mission is complete, there are some minimum AFTER PMCS checks for the Bradley. They include the driver checking the air filter restriction gauge and the fluid levels of the engine, transmission, final drive and right-angle gear.
- The following checks are located in the front of the vehicle.
Air Filter Restriction Gauge
While the driver Is still in the driver’s compartment, he should check the air filter restriction gauge. The vehicle’s -10 TM has detailed information on how to conduct this check.
Air filter restriction gauge
Engine Oil
Remove the forward engine access panel near the driver’s compartment to check the engine oil level. The oil level should be between the ADD 4QT and FULL marks. Add oil if needed. Notify field maintenance if the oil looks bubbly or milky.
Oil level should be between ADD 4QT and FULL marks
Keep in mind that the transmission dipstick has readings on both sides. Be sure to use the side marked CHECK HOT NEUTRAL ENGINE OFF.
Add oil if the level is below the ADD mark. If the level is above the FULL mark, or looks milky or bubbly, let your mechanic know right away.
Never add so much oil that the reading goes above the FULL mark. That can damage the transmission.
Final Drive
Make sure the oil levels in the right and left final drives are between the ADD and FULL marks. Add oil if the level is below the ADD mark. If the oil looks milky or bubbly, tell your mechanic.
Final drive oil check location
Right Angle Fan Drive Gear Box
Check the right angle fan drive gearbox oil level by removing the dipstick and wiping it dry. Then screw the dipstick into the gearbox. Unscrew the dipstick and check that the oil level is at the FILL TO HERE arrow.
Right angle fan drive gearbox and dipstick
- There are a few other critical checks once any mission is complete. They are:
Road Wheels
Check the fluid levels of the road wheel hubs by using the sight glass. Check for leaks and oil that is bubbly or milky in appearance. Let your mechanic know right away if something looks off.
Check road wheels for signs of leaks or contaminated oil
Engine Coolant
Once the engine has cooled down, check the engine coolant level. Add coolant as needed. Refer to the vehicle’s -10 TM for more information.
Check coolant level once engine has cooled down
Ramp Hydraulic Power Unit
Lower the rear ramp and check the fluid level in the ramp hydraulic power unit. Add FRH as needed.
Check hydraulic ramp reservoir