BLUF: When using the nose cover on your helicopter, make sure you pay attention how to close the pitot static tubes are to your face.
This article initially appeared in PS 710 (Jan 12), p. 21.
Mechanics, the H-60 nose cover is bulky and cumbersome. Putting it on can be a hassle. It can also be dangerous if you’re not careful.
Pay attention to the pitot static tubes when covering the nose and windshield as you try to hook the main rotor pylon opening.
When standing on the aircraft to secure the cover, some mechanics forge how close their face is to the opening of the pitot static tubes on both sides of the aircraft.
A sudden turn into the tube as you stretch to hook the cover could gouge out an eye, cause damage to your ear or severely cut your face. The opening of the tube is sharp and will cut you.
Watch where you are as you pull the cover over the windshield and make sure your face does not bump into the pitot tube opening.
When hooking cover, watch out for pitot tube