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NEWS | April 11, 2023

Chinook: Engine Work Packages Being Updated

BLUF: New troubleshooting steps to inspect and clean electrical connectors/cannon plugs are coming for multiple T55 engine work packages (WP)
Soldiers performing maintenance on Chinook
Photo by Spc. Oscar Toscano

Mechanics, the T55 section of PM ATE (Advanced Turbine Engines) is working on adding steps that will affect over 90 troubleshooting work packages (WPs) in a future revision of the engine IETM, TM 1-2840-265-23&P (Apr 21).
Essentially, the work packages will be changed to read:

While troubleshooting engine faults using the TM troubleshooting work packages, it’s recommended the maintainer perform the following steps early in the process:
  • Identify the related electrical connectors and cannon plugs.
  • Remove, inspect for corrosion, clean; then re-install them per TM 1-1500-323-24 (Apr 14).
  • Retest system.
  • If the fault still exists, continue with troubleshooting using the appropriate work package in TM 1-2840-265-23&P (Apr 21).
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