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NEWS | June 16, 2022

PS Magazine milSuite Group Offers Extras

BLUF: PS Magazine's milSuite group is another source for maintenance and supply information.

PS Magazine milSuite

UPDATE as of 1 APR 2024: the PS Magazine milSuite site is now an archived community for reference only. It is not currently active nor managed. Please do not interact there. Contact your local LAR or visit other milSuite groups for maintenance or supply support.

Looking for even more PS information and insights? Look no further than our PS Magazine group in milSuite. Here you can interact with us—as well as other readers—and access documents that we’ve collected and recommended over the years.

For example, do you need parts for a specific generator? How do you get that HMMWV’s new winter tire assembly? Or what about ordering those small arms blank firing attachments? You’ll find the NSNs and part numbers you need here. Our goal is to upload the most useful docs so you can access them easily and know where to look for more in the future.

Another key benefit to our milSuite group is that because it’s behind the CAC firewall, it enables us to share controlled unclassified information (CUI) documents we can’t share on our public-facing website.

Join us HERE.
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For issues/articles from 2014 and after, click on the Archive/Index tab in the top menu of this website.

BE ADVISED: With the migration to Army365, emails in older articles may still reflect an address. To update, change the domain to