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NEWS | April 7, 2022

I Sustain This: March 2022 Nominees

PS Magazine’s I Sustain This campaign is designed to recognize civilian sustainers who exemplify the highest standards while maintaining equipment to meet combat readiness requirements and stay in the fight, even under the most arduous of circumstances.
This month, we had five (5) civilian sustainers nominated for this program. One was selected at random to receive the spotlight, and that individual was John Sutton of the TACOM Fleet Management Expansion (FMX) office, Ft Leonard Wood, MO.
Spotlight Profile
Mr. John Sutton, Ft Leonard Wood  
John Sutton
Army Civilian
Automotive Worker Supervisor
TACOM Fleet Maintenance Expansion (FMX) office, Ft Leonard Wood, MO
Nominated by: Bradley McMeekan
Why does this person deserve recognition? The nominee maintains a fleet of 273 specialty commercial vehicles and equipment for the Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division (ALETD). I am John’s supervisor and talk with the customers we support. They always have great things to say about John and his team of mechanics. John’s superior support of the Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division and ownership of its vehicles as a TACOM FMX maintenance supervisor have been recognized on several occasions by VIP personnel and those he and his crew support. The training division teaches students on all types of high-speed evasive maneuvers. Vehicle readiness and safety are paramount. So, too, is trust. The instructors trust John and his crew to keep the division’s vehicles mission ready and safe.
Additional Comments: John's work ethic is above reproach. Add in his knowledge, skills and technical proficiency and you have someone who’d be valued anywhere. He’s definitely a valued team member here, directing and providing guidance in all situations and ensuring mission accomplishment in a safe and timely manner. John not only supports our mission but the mission of his community, supporting first responders, various church duties/events, children’s homes and women’s shelters. He’s also part of a local bee keeper group dedicated to bettering the environment.
Also Nominated
Mark Burns       
Army Civilian
Heavy Mobile Technician
TACOM Fleet Maintenance Expansion (FMX) office, Fort Lee, VA
Maintains: M1089A1/M1089A1P2 FMTV, M984A2R1 HEMTT, M10000 ATLAS, M6000, 5K-rough terrain fork lift, palletized load system (PLS), M872A4 semitrailer and M1097 HMMWV
Nominated by: Kevin Peavy
Why does this person deserve recognition? Mark’s technical expertise in troubleshooting hydraulic system and fault isolation allowed him to excel through 72 scheduled service work orders on a wide range of heavy equipment. Mark’s technical proficiency resulted in cost saving of $100,000 in parts and labor through proper fault isolation, proper troubleshooting and the repairs of defective components, as opposed to replacing major assemblies. As an additional duty for the FMX Ordnance Division's Master Driver Program, he incorporated safety practices and procedures that resulted in zero vehicle accidents or violations. His meticulous use of safety practices, technical documentation and technical publications allowed this division to complete modification work orders (MWOs) on M1075A1 PLS hook pins replacement and the PLS M1076 trailer.
Joseph D Cruz   
Army Civilian
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer         
844th Engineer BN, Forward Support Company (FSC), Knoxville, TN (USAR)             
Maintains engineer Modification Table of Organizational Equipment (MTOE)             
Nominated by: Nicholas Waagmeester
Why does this person deserve recognition? Mr. Cruz has supported our unit equipment with Area Maintenance Support Activity (AMSA) 148 since February 2021 and quickly became an effective part of the team. He was tasked with completing a training-related, mission-essential work order with limited time. His positive attitude through challenges has noticeably increased the morale and capability of our entire work center. He prioritized direct labor on our recovery assets without assistance, bringing our vehicles to standard in time for the training mission. His efficiency and ability to selflessly adapt was key to the unit’s success.            
Army Civilian
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer
TACOM Fleet Maintenance Expansion (FMX), Ft Leonard Wood, MO       
Maintains the HEMMT, PLS, FMTV, HMMWV, bridge erection boat (BEB) and dry support bridge (DSB)            
Nominated by: James Carmack
Why does this person deserve recognition? I have worked with Eric for over eight (8) years and have witnessed the outstanding workmanship and pride this gentleman has. I am proud to a member of the same team. He provides outstanding maintenance support to the Heavy Wheel Repair Shop (HWRS). He has conducted unscheduled repairs on over 300 pieces of equipment, much of it “ancient,” diverse and low-density, yet with the highest operational training load. Eric was a key contributor to standing up the heavy wheel repair program. He is the “go-to” employee when tasks need to be done expediently and to standard. Eric continues to set the bar high in the maintenance arena and brings great credit to himself and the TACOM FMX organization. His constant pursuit of maintenance excellence has helped the HWRS supply the customer with the best training assets available, which explains, in part, why Eric won the 1st Quarter FY22 FMX, Ft Leonard Wood, Employee of the Year.  

Jesse F Supanick            
Army Civilian    
AMC Logistics Assistance Representative (LAR)
1-25th Attack/Reconnaissance BN, Ft Wainwright AK
Maintains the AH-64 Apache
Nominated by: Patrick Lindy
Why does this person deserve recognition? During my routine visits to the 1-25th, I always find my LAR team doing amazing things supporting the warfighter. Jesse is always assisting in trouble-shooting AH64 aircraft. During a recent visit to the 1-25th, I observed Eric instructing Soldiers on quality control and go/no-go criteria when inspecting the AH-64 rotor hub.  
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