Photo courtesy of PS Magazine
This article initially appeared in PS 759 (May 16), p. 1.
PS Magazine gets lots of maintenance and supply questions each month (though our Reader Service program). Sometimes we can send out an immediate answer. Other times, those answers take a couple days to a few weeks to track down.
In the meantime, you may find the solution on your own. Maybe a vendor helped out or you ran into a buddy who already solved the problem. Point is, if you found the answer, you need to let us know!
First, that keeps us from spinning our wheels, trying to find an answer to a problem that’s already solved.
Second, we may be able to use that information for an article in PS. After all, if the problem was tough enough that you took the time to write us, chances are other Soldiers could be stumped as well.
Got a supply or maintenance question you need help with? Email us at:
Then remember to email us if you find the answer on your own!