Crew chiefs,
It’s that time of year again when those fine-feathered friends target your Apache and become stowaways to build nests for their little ones.
Birds use whatever they can to make nests, such as grass, small pieces of wiring or other material. Bird nests are a FOD problem you need to pay attention to. The nests hold moisture and that’s an ideal environment for corrosion. Dry grass can also create a fire if it falls onto a hot gearbox.
While Apaches sit on the flight line, birds like to squeeze through openings in the tail section. So inspect your aircraft for nest material.
Inspect openings in the tail section for nests
While inspecting the tail rotor section for bird nests, remove the cover like it says in the TM 1-1520-LONGBOW/APACHE IETM (May 19).
Also check for nest material on
cover of tail rotor section
If birds have made your aircraft a home, see your canvas shop about making a cover for the tail rotor section to keep ‘em out.