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NEWS | Aug. 1, 2019

Series 200 Padlock: Pricey Padlock Replacements

The Series 200 padlock is used to secure military vehicles and Basic Issue Items (BII) inside vehicle stowage boxes. And they’ve cost the Army more than $18 million dollars!

It’s not that the padlocks cost much individually or as a set; it’s that they get turned in with vehicles shipped to depots for overhaul.

To retain control of the padlocks, it’s important to follow the key control guidance provided by:
  • AR 190-11, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (Nov 2006)
  • AR 190-51, Security of Unclassified Army Property (Sep 93)
  • AR-735-5, Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability (Nov 2016)
Also follow any unit standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to key control and don’t let locks go on vehicles to the depot.

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