Rail Cars: Locomotives Inspection Form Reminder
By | April 21, 2020
U.S. Army locomotive engine (courtesy copy)Army regulation, Federal Railroad Association (FRA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) require annual technical inspections on government-owned locomotives and rail...
Rail Cars: Stow the Tiedown Assemblies!
By | April 7, 2020
Remember to do a little housekeeping on the platform area of rail cars. That means stowing all tiedown chain assemblies in the platform’s anchor channels, or moving them to the center before any vehicles drive on or off the...
Rail Cars: Set the Hand Brakes to Stay Safe
By | Feb. 25, 2020
Ft Hood rail headRollover accidents that involve rail cars get the attention of rail and unit personnel and possibly the local media—not something any unit wants. A rollover will damage cars and loaded military equipment, not...
Railroad Maintenance: Keeping Tracks Safely on Track
By | Nov. 21, 2019
The Army moves equipment from fort to port on railroad lines. But there are many behind-the-scene activities that enable rail lines to keep operating. Railroad track maintenance is the backbone that keeps the Army’s cargo...