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NEWS | Aug. 5, 2021

UH-60: Turn in These Unserviceable Parts

Soldier pulling maintenance on UH-60 Aircraft
Mechanics, the NSNs below have a low unserviceable return rate. All units should check their back shops for unserviceable parts and ship them in their original containers ASAP.

Remember that turning in assets using alternate packaging other than original containers costs the government an extra $200 per asset to purchase new containers to ship repaired serviceable assets back to you. This also causes delays in contract deliveries.
Item NSN PN Item Manager
DI digital computer 1680-01-566-0366 30279-0302 Tiffany Jordan
Shipping and storage container 8145-00-549-6647 101414-078/13414-078/3028-1/MP101208 Tarrence Gray
Item NSN PN Item Manager
data concentrator
1680-01-500-6388 30201-0501 Tiffany Jordan
Shipping and storage container 8145-00-485-8256 102529/13414-038 Tarrence Gray
Item NSN PN Item Manager
Control data analysis 5895-01-576-1873 70600-02806-103/30279-0301/70600-02806 Melissa Argueta
Shipping and storage container 8145-00-449-8427 13414-083/2893-1/84225/MP101249 Tarrence Gray
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