Dear Editor,
During several MK 19 grenade machine gun services, we’ve noticed what could be considered incorrect wire lacing on the bolt. Nuts are laced together to reduce any and all movement or as much movement as possible.
In TM 9-1010-230-23&P (Aug 12), Item 58 of WP 0026-37 tells you to safety wire the bolt sleeves from bottom right to top left. But it doesn’t describe the correct lacing locations.
In this picture, the bolt is laced but could allow too much movement.
Not the best way to lace
In this picture, the bolt is laced but allows little to no movement. It’s the one we recommend Soldiers use.
This is the recommended way to lace
Brent Fiegenbaum
Rick Hallas
Vincent Pint
Cody Foster
TACOM Weapons and Specialty
Ft Leonard Wood, MO
Editor’s note: Thanks for the tip, Brent, Rick, Vincent and Cody. Soldiers, make sure to follow TACOM’s recommended lacing guidance.