Screen capture of CPC Video
The TACOM Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) Office has recently produced three field-level instructional videos focusing on unit level CPC mitigation efforts. The videos are available on MilTube.
The videos cover the topics of corrosion inhibiting compound (CIC) application and frequency, surface preparation for spot painting, and using chemical agent resistant coating (CARC) system when spot painting. They are designed to supplement CPC guidance provided within Technical Bulletin (TB) 43-0213,
Corrosion Prevention and Control for Army Ground Equipment, and TB 43-0242,
Chemical Agent Resistance Coating Spot Painting for Army Ground Equipment.
The ultimate goal of the instructional videos is to increase equipment readiness of TACOM-managed weapon systems.
Videos can be found at the links below. You'll need your CAC to access them. Also, if they don't open in your current browser, try another (Internet Edge or Explorer appear to work best).