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NEWS | July 15, 2022

M1-Series Tanks: Proper Tarp Placement with CROWS

Crewmen, it can be tricky placing the two tarps that come with your M1-series tank’s basic issue items (BII) if your tank is equipped with the common remote operating weapon station (CROWS). But following these steps will help you get those tarps installed just right and prevent water intrusion into the engine air intake system, auxiliary power unit (APU) housing and turret:
Step One
Install the first tarp long ways across the back deck, gun tube and front half of the turret
  • Install the first tarp long ways across the back deck, gun tube and front half of the turret.                                                                                             
Step Two
Ensure the tarp completely covers the air intake on the left side of the hull.
  • Ensure the tarp completely covers the air intake on the left side of the hull​
Secure the tarp down with the tie downs.
  • Secure the tarp down with the tie downs.
Step Three
Install the second tarp long ways across top of the turret, making sure to cover the CROWS...
  • Install the second tarp long ways across top of the turret, making sure to cover the CROWS...
….and loader’s and commander’s hatches.
….and loader’s and commander’s hatches.
Step Four
Make sure the tarp overlaps the first tarp and secure with tie downs.
  •      Make sure the tarp overlaps the first tarp and secure with tie downs.
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